Apr 13 | 2023 — VIII of Pentacles
When I was in my early 20s, the internet (as it was introduced to us via AOL trials) was fresh and shiny. I had been big on desktop publishing and print design in high school and my early college years, and this new world of digital design was exciting and new. It took me a minute to learn HTML, and it wasn’t until several years later that I learned CSS. Then, by the time I was living alone, I was staying up all night “playing” with code to create what I wanted. I was quickly becoming known for my blog designs (this was 2000ish) and was known in the blogosphere.
This was my first real VIII of Pentacles moment.
The VIII of Pentacles is the card of ambition, dedication, and mastery. It’s putting forth the effort and time to really hone what you’re doing. That could be a new language or new skill. It could be increasing the focus on your education or taking your hobby to the next level. This card typically suggests an isolation of some sort, almost like a sabbatical, where you step aside from your normal routines to dedicate yourself to the pursuit of this new attempt at mastery.
These days, I feel like the opportunity for people to pick up new skills and become “advanced” or even “expert” level is at an all-time low. If it takes too much effort or energy, they put it aside. Laziness and procrastination reign supreme. It seems most people are content with just “doing enough” to get the job done; there’s no need to rework it to improve efficiency or to make it an improved experience, particularly when it takes 5 seconds to type a question into your search engine of choice and get an answer. The need to be knowledgeable has declined with the internet.
Message of the Day: As I get older, I can’t help but notice there is a difference between myself and some of my coworkers in how we get through the day. As someone with a base-level competency in what I do, I am able to recognize problems and search for solutions. Because of my experience, I know how to be accurate in my descriptions and search for what I need. That isn’t the case with some of my coworkers who just shrug and say, “I’ve no idea; it’s above my pay grade.” (Way to move that career forward!)
On the other hand, if you send me into a Home Depot to look for something to help with a particular project, I’m going to stumble around like a jackass because home improvement is not what I do. I can describe the situation, but won’t know the names of things. I rely on the knowledge of someone else to help get me where I need to go, and that can be a frustrating experience.
So we all have our areas of proficiencies, the topics where education and experience have merged to make us adept at that skill. However, I feel like the internet has taught us to be lazy in our pursuit of experience. DIY videos on YouTube showed me how to fix the water dispenser on our fridge, but I never really learned anything. I can watch videos on America’s Test Kitchen to make the perfect Romanesco; but if I’m just following instructions, I’m not actually learning something.
I suppose it really boils down to intent. Am I performing this function for a set purpose, or am I doing it with the intention of strengthening my skills and gaining experience? Intention and awareness make all the difference.
And that’s all fine and dandy when it comes to learning things and working with our hands. But what about self-mastery? There are so many areas in our life where mastery eludes us (and may never actually be attainable). Self-mastery can branch into many areas:
- Self-regulation: When confronted with an emotional situation, do you respond quickly and without thought, or are you able to take a second, think rationally, and decide the most appropriate course of action? Are you quick to anger, quick to judge?
- Self-control: Are you able to make a goal and stick with it? Can you say no to an Oreo and instead grab a carrot? Can you resist the temptation of that nightcap or joint before bed? Can you routinely get out of bed on time so that you are able to be ready for school or work each day? Can you make an appointment and arrive on time?
- Self-reflection: Are you able to evaluate yourself and, with an unbiased perspective, find the weak points in your life? Can you step outside of yourself and observe with clinical precision what is happening and how things can be changed? Do you have the desire to make those improvements?
Just as with learning a new skill, intent and awareness are necessary factors in self-mastery. In Tarot, they call this setting your intention and manifesting your will into existence. In layman’s terms, it’s making a decision to augment your abilities and sticking with it until you’ve achieved your goal.
In practical application, I could see the VIII of Pentacles referencing my need to improve the emotional connection with my son. I could see it as further strengthening my understanding and application of Tarot in my life. I can see it as learning and implementing new technologies that will assist me with my job.
How does the VIII of Pentacles speak to you? What are some areas where you can find mastery in your life?
Decks shown above:
Originally published at https://www.pixel-tarot.com on April 13, 2023.