Feb 15 | 2023 — VII of Swords

Pixel Tarot
3 min readFeb 15, 2023


VII of Swords as shown in The Black Deck Tarot, The Modern Way Tarot, and The Wind Rose Tarot.

The Universe clearly laughs in the face of my dietary intake yesterday as it gives me the VII of Swords. Traditionally, the VII of Swords is a card of treachery and deceit, emotional theft, and dishonest intentions. It’s not a fun card to see in a reading as it often indicates that either you are being taken advantage of or you are lying to yourself about something. As per my diet… let’s just say that I took more than I should have, and I feel the repercussions today.

The imagery in the card often is depicted by a figure “stealing” swords from an army encampment. I love the depiction of Julius Caesar with the swords pointed at his back, full of poison and deception. The VII of Swords, to me, is also what I call the “modern politics” card as it’s nothing but sleight of hand, misdirection, deception, lies, and backstabbing.

Message of the Day: I ate so much cheese and steak last night. It was Tex-Mex all the way, and I had a fajita steak quesadilla; however, it was layered inside with two types of cheese and big chunks of super tender steak, and the top of the quesadilla was layered AGAIN with two types of cheese, green onions, and tomatoes. It also came with these delectable cheesy smashed potatoes and chiles. And there was amazing queso. I ate so much more than I should have.

And when I think about that delicious meal, I see the VII of Swords in two views:

  1. I’m a fat ass who ate a shit ton of cheese (and salt), lying to myself in the moment that it was fine — it’s a holiday celebration — I’ll be fine in the morning and just drink a lot of water. Except I’m not, am I? I didn’t sleep for shit. I had the meat sweats (because I rarely eat red meat). I feel bloated and tired. Lying to myself about my own gluttony has VII of Swords written all over it. I feel so gross, y’all. (And we’re having steak and arugula sandwiches for dinner tonight. WHAT am I doing to myself??)
  2. I ate more than I should have because it was so tasty. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing (except I feel like shit) to over-indulge on occasion. But taking more than what is expected (or our fair share) is also very VII of Swords. Like, when you slice up a pie, do you give yourself the larger slice and you kid the smaller slice (like they really need the extra sugar…) (okay, okay… like I need the extra sugar either)? When you go to the donut shop to get donuts and kolaches for breakfast, do you secretly buy yourself a small bag of donut holes and eat them before you get home? DON’T JUDGE ME. (The card is VII of Swords, not Justice, kthnxbai.) These are all VII of Swords behaviors.

Looking at this card in a scenario that is not about me and my disgusting food-related crimes, the VII of Swords is really asking us what our true intentions are. Do we say things to make us look good in front of others, knowing it’s not exactly true? How often do we exemplify “do as I say, not as I do?” Do we hold ourselves to the same level of expectation as we do others?

Alternatively, if you’re in a relationship where the other person is being sus, or they routinely lie, cheat, or steal from you… you need to grab one of those swords and have a nice, pointed conversation. Don’t put up with that shit. You deserve someone who will be honest with you, just as you should be honest with them. Otherwise, your VII of Swords moment is going to turn into III of Swords real fast.



Pixel Tarot

I approach Tarot from a mental wellness and self-betterment angle. I strive to help others be their best selves through self-enlightenment and acceptance.