Jan 09 | 2023 — Page of Swords

Pixel Tarot
3 min readJan 9, 2023


The Page of Swords as shown in The Modern Way Tarot, The Light Seer’s Tarot, and the As Above, So Below Tarot.

Happy Monday! After some decent rest and nights of NyQuil, I’m actually feeling somewhat back to normal. I still have a lingering cough, but we should be right as rain hopefully by the end of the week.

Today’s card is the Page of Swords. Pages in the Court of Tarot are these youthful novices who are on the journey to achieve Kingship. They have a sense of eagerness and a strong desire to help out and learn. They have this “new car smell” and are ready to be heard, sometimes leading them to be reckless and unintentionally misguided. They are high energy and bouncy, almost like ADHD personified.

The Page of Swords is full of that “I wish I was 20 again” energy that can stay up till 3 am working on a passion project. They are the communicators of Tarot and have a gift with words. You should check their social media, cuz they are verified, blue-starred, and ever the influencer. They always want the next big thing and have an intense desire to be present, learn, and grow into the next version of themselves. They have a tongue as sharp as their sword and will cut a bitch if you cross them. You know who was a Page of Swords? Hermione in Harry Potter. That should tell you plenty.

So how can we apply this energy to ourselves?

Message of the Day:

When I think about the Page of Swords, I usually tend to think about communication and the beginning of new ideas. For example, for me, this falls perfectly as I have been contemplating starting a column on Medium about Tarot, and this card tells me I should go for it.

The Page of Swords is also about embracing our truth and having confidence in our abilities. However, too much of this confidence and public display of truth can easily end up looking like you’re being a bully. Swords, after all, are double-edged; they can be used to save someone, but they can also be used to cut someone down.

When we think about the power of the Page of Swords and their connection to intellect, wit, and words, we have to think about our own methods of communication with others. Which side of the sword are we wielding? Are we “mansplaining” to make us feel superior or just to be a bitch? Are we engaging in an age/intellect-appropriate way or do we expect them to match us where we are? Do you enjoy playing the bitch? — ewww, are you a Karen?

It’s also interesting to think about what brings out the darker side of the Page of Swords. I have a friend whose tongue is laced with acid, poison, and eternal sadness. If you cross her, she will cut you down for dead, drag you through a shit-fill sewer, and then post photos on Instagram so everyone knows. She doesn’t attack (usually) but is more than happy to wield that sword on the defensive. Many have theorized that gay men have such a quick wit about them because they had to learn to weaponize their words when they had little other recourse when faced with adversity.

How do you use your words in the world around you? Do you use them to support or tear down? Do you need to sit down and have a talk or do you need to talk to the manager? As you aspire to be your own King of Swords, how can you take in the lessons of the Page of Swords?



Pixel Tarot
Pixel Tarot

Written by Pixel Tarot

I approach Tarot from a mental wellness and self-betterment angle. I strive to help others be their best selves through self-enlightenment and acceptance.

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