Jan 18 | 2023 — The Sun
Can we give a giant farewell salute to Mercury Retrograde? Here’s a big ol’ middle finger to you! I can’t think of a period in my life where Mercury Retrograde has been so miserable! Between a very slow Covid-recovery, leaking dishwasher, and plumbing expenses… I am ready for a fucking break.
Fitting that today’s card is The Sun! Traditionally, The Sun card represents positivity, vitality, happiness, and success. It has this naked baby feeling their inner Godiva as they ride on their white horse with the sun on their back, sunflowers waving behind them. It usually indicates a time of joy, success, and accomplishment, where everything seems to be going well. It is a reminder to embrace positivity and to let your light shine, truly a representation of Shiny, Happy People.
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Message of the Day: Despite today being gloomy, cloudy, and with the likelihood of rain as a cold front approaches, today’s card is The Sun. It’s such a welcome card after the bullshit of Mercury Retrograde. I could use a little victory and success, thank you very much.
As the description stated — this card is a hot and fiery card full of beams of pure happiness and elation. It’s about celebrating your victories and marching past those hurdles with your middle finger held high in the air. YOU DID IT and you should be proud of yourself!
But these posts are about self-betterment. So yes, take the victory and be happy! However, remember that where The Sun shines, it also casts a shadow. How often when we congratulate ourselves or are recognized for our work do we cast a shadow on others who have participated or been a part of our success? I’m sure you’ve been there, right? Someone is recognized for a project where you have contributed a substantial amount, and you don’t get as much as a thank you. Feels shitty, for sure — leaves you feeling bitter, undervalued, pissed, and definitely less encouraged to contribute in such a way again… In situations like this, it’s our responsibility to have our Grammy moment and thank and congratulate our supporting and contributing team members IN A WAY THAT’S APPROPRIATE. While a thank you is appreciated, the value shown in gratitude should reflect the value of success.
Another altered perspective of The Sun: You’ve got a naked baby riding a horse (hullo, unsafe) with a blazing sun behind them. We all know that too much time in the sun can cause us to burn. In the case of The Sun card, this can be a warning about letting your successes go to your head and give you an inflated sense of self-importance. I mean, sure, we can all use an ego boost; but living in that space for too long can bring a false sense of importance. That’s gross. No one likes that kind of person. Don’t be that person.
The message of The Sun: to be happy with your successes and feel the joy associated with your successes in moderation. Be sure to share your success with those around you and acknowledge those around you who made the success a possibility. Wear sunscreen and know when it’s time to get out of The Sun before it begins to burn down the world around you.