Jan 31 | 2023 — VI of Wands
Before I jump into today’s card, I wanted to draw some attention to the decks for today’s card: I’m sure you’ve noticed I always include The Modern Way Tarot in my spread. That’s because this is my primary deck, and I keep it on hand at all times. The second card is from Queer Revolution, a stunning deck celebrating the queer parts inside us (whether cis, trans, gay, straight, agender, asexual, etc.) as we come to the realization that none of us are strictly binary. This deck was created by Kate Wilhite and funded on Kickstarter. It should begin shipping in February.
Today’s card is the VI of Wands. This is a victory card, but on a much smaller scale than, say, The Sun. From another perspective, this would be like winning President of the Student Council vs. President of the United States or winning $20 on a scratch-off rather than winning the lottery. That, of course, is not to understate the victory; a win is a win.
Traditionally, this card in a reading indicates promotion, a change in leadership, or rising above the unwashed masses (filthy!). It’s about elevation, but can be seen from a variety of different perspectives. Either way you look at it, this card is about success on some level.
Message of the Day: The VI of Wands is a procedural victory; it follows the V of Wands, which is a card of conflict and battles. It rains accolades on the victor as those around them cheer their success. But you know there’s always that one bitch that stands to the side and grumbles about your win (or their loss). No one likes a sore loser (petty!).
We’ve been watching America’s Test Kitchen: The Next Generation on Amazon Prime, another cooking competition, this one aimed at who gets a chance to interview with ATK and be a part of their team. As the season progresses, you know all the contestants have become close (as they do). But you know it’s gotta chap some ass when one of the other contestants outshines you just enough to put you in 2nd place. Sure, there’s celebration, but there’s also a burn and sting — and that’s completely normal to feel… at least until that burn takes over and becomes the predominant feeling that taints your relationship.
When I look at this card, I try to look at it from a personal level from both perspectives: celebrating the personal win but also not being a sore loser when faced with loss.
Personal Wins: You can find success in your life at micro levels if you stop and look. It doesn’t have to be about winning the Spelling Bee or getting a promotion. It can be something small like getting your 10,000 steps in today, having a good day with your kid when things have been strained, on staying sober on a particularly difficult day. Taking the time to celebrate yourself and acknowledge your success may not be a celebration in Times Square, but it’s important to help you stay focused and in the present. It also gives chemical encouragement (dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin) to continue those successes.
Now the question is: How often do you actually do that? Do you feel personal pride in your small wins? I know I struggle with that, personally. (But that’s also me not liking to be in the spotlight.) I am much better at celebrating OTHER’S personal wins. I SHOULD be recognizing and celebrating my contributions to changes in my son’s behaviors. I SHOULD be recognizing that I have brought down my Dr. Pepper consumption to healthier levels. I SHOULD be recognizing the growth I’m finding in Tarot and the strides I’m making to be a better person. I’m getting there, but only because I’m taking the time to reflect and grow.
Losing with Grace: But what about when we DON’T win? What happens when we are skipped over for a promotion? What happens when our cake comes out dry? What happens when things don’t go according to plan? I mean shit happens. No one’s perfect after all. And as long as we don’t let our losses consume us and control us, it’s fine. Evaluate, learn, and move forward. After all, you can’t have success if you don’t have loss. “Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. Start over again.” And for fuck’s sake, don’t let the stench of your loss cloud someone else’s victory!
Deck’s shown above: