Mar 13 | 2023 — The High Priestess

Pixel Tarot
5 min readMar 13, 2023


The High Priestess as shown in Mindscapes: A Tarot Panorama, The Modern Way Tarot, and The Amber Tarot.

Tarot can be a lot; there is a lot to learn and remember. Tarot begins, for most, with a deep dive study into the meanings of each of the cards. We learn keywords, general meanings, numerology, spreads, and reversals, and some expand into astrology, crystals, oracle cards, and other divinatory extensions. However, one of the key components of Tarot that cannot be taught is learning how to intuit a specific meaning from a card that is intended for you or the individual receiving the reading.

If I had to choose a card that best represents Tarot to me, it would probably be The High Priestess, today’s card. Traditionally, she is the embodiment of the “Divine Feminine” (the counterpart to The Magician, the “Divine Masculine”), as she embodies the qualities of femininity that are associated with the divine: intuition, wisdom, spiritual connection, and nurturing. The High Priestess is also associated with the Moon, which represents the emotional and intuitive aspects of the self and is often seen as a symbol of feminine energy.

The High Priestess sits on a throne between two pillars, one light, one dark, that signifies duality and balance, like yin and yang, conscious and subconscious, heart and mind, knowledge and intuition. As users of Tarot, that is where the “magic” lies: finding the balance between our knowledge of the cards’ meanings and our intuition.

Message of the Day: The High Priestess is one of the cards in Tarot with which I’ve had a rocky relationship. Understanding the concept of intuition, having enough self-confidence to embrace intuition, and recognizing that we ALL have a sense of intuition… that was (and sometimes is still) hard for me. It was very easy for me to memorize the meanings of the cards and use them to “tell the story.” It was easy to learn to have a conversation about the cards during a reading. But it is much more difficult to listen to that quiet voice or inner feeling regarding something you need to be able to communicate, know, understand, or think about. As someone who is much more confident in the physical world wading into the spiritual, trusting myself and my intuition is something I will most likely have to work on for a long, long time.

We all have intuition: AKA that “gut feeling.” You can “feel” when you walk into a place you don’t need to be that it isn’t “right” or when it’s time to go. You can “feel” when you’re talking with someone and they may be lying to you. Sometimes you can “feel” when you need to do a specific task, like reaching out to someone you’ve been thinking about. Are these “psychic” events? <shrug> That’s outside of my pay grade; but we DO, all of us, have this innate “gift” of intuition. To use it, however, we have to make sure we are in the correct mindset or headspace.

A lot of churches actually teach about intuition, but they refer to it as “the Spirit,” “The Holy Ghost,” or “answers to prayers,” not “your gut feeling” “a hunch,” or “your conscience.” So while intuition is our ability to sense something outside of our typical realm of knowledge, intuition is also a “communication channel” with our spiritual side or higher power, whether that be religiously affiliated or otherwise.

As I’ve gone through this intense Tarot journey, I’ve learned a few things about intuition:

Intuition will not come in a negative space. If my mind is restless, angry, or really emotional, there is absolutely no point in trying to “intuit” anything — and it’s a horrible time for practicing Tarot. My mind is so focused on the immediate present that there’s no way for my mind to lift itself into something higher. Tarot can HELP me to move into a more peaceful mindset by teaching me to step out of myself or be a 3rd party to my situation, but trying to read Tarot when I’m not calm or at peace is a fruitless exercise.

Intuitive feelings are soft and quiet. If my mind and body are loud or I’m in a place of chaos, I will most likely miss any type of intuitive feeling. Growing up in the Mormon church, they referred to this as “the still, small voice.” All one and the same.

Use it or lose it. If you routinely seek out your sense of intuition, it will come easier and easier. Alternatively, if you are constantly in a state of worry or anxiety, often angry or frustrated, or willingly ignore your gut, those feelings become smaller and more difficult to identify; eventually, it may seem as if they’ve disappeared altogether.

Pay attention to your body. Intuition often manifests as physical sensations, such as butterflies in the stomach, a tightness in the chest, or a tingling sensation. It may present as a sudden sense of calm or lightness. Try to notice these physical sensations and pay attention to what they might be telling you.

Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, which can help you tap into your intuition. Practice mindfulness exercises such as meditation or deep breathing to help you become more present and aware of your inner experiences. Some people, myself included, struggle with meditation; often thinking and acting with intent can manifest the same benefits of meditation.

Trust your first instinct. When faced with a decision, try to trust your first instinct. This is often your intuition trying to guide you. Try not to overthink or second-guess yourself, as this can lead to confusion and, ultimately, doubting yourself.

Create quiet time. Create quiet time for yourself each day to reflect and listen to your intuition. This could be through meditation, journaling, or simply sitting quietly and allowing your thoughts and feelings to surface.

The High Priestess invites us to trust our instincts and personal intuition. How do you work with your intuition? Do you trust yourself and your gut feelings? Are you willing to hone your intuition to serve you better?



Pixel Tarot
Pixel Tarot

Written by Pixel Tarot

I approach Tarot from a mental wellness and self-betterment angle. I strive to help others be their best selves through self-enlightenment and acceptance.

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