Mar 29 | 2023 — Knight of Wands
Let me tell you. Today is 100% full of Knight of Wands energy for me today. I chuckled when I drew the card because this morning has been a right shit show. We were woken this morning by our back neighbor’s dogs barking at 5:20 am. Again. This is a regular occurrence as she works a night shift, happening at least once a week. In general, the dog barking is a problem, but we’ve endured (we have dogs of our own after all, and we know how life is) and put in some ultrasonic deterrents which helped curb our own dogs’ barking behaviors, but also help shut hers up as well. So I reached out on Facebook messenger to finally address the issue, in a friendly, non-aggressive way. She, on the other hand, was combative and defensive, some real Queen of Swords (reversed) energy (<cough>bitch<cough>).
Enter the Knight of Wands. See, traditionally, the Knight of Wands is an ambitious kind’a guy. TONS of energy and drive. He is bottled fire. He has a target and he goes after it, come hell or high water. Think Rocky Balboa. However, if not careful, the Knight of Wands’ wild pursuit can turn reckless or even dangerous. I mean, give a kid a stick of magic and see what kind of damage ensues.
So back to me and how this woman really riled me (us) up. We go on to explain we’re not trying to be difficult, but being woken up well before our alarm messes up our day, puts us in a bad mood (as this is recurring), and messes with our energy. But she decided to play the victim, told us she now fears for her dogs’ safety (all four of them) in her own yard (I guess because of the ultrasonic deterrents?), and then blocked us both.
Had I allowed the Knight of Wands to run unchecked, I probably would have channeled my inner Power Ranger and morphed into the Queen of Swords and cut the bitch down to size (verbally, not physically). But, I brought in yesterday’s Temperance and calmed it down, held off on responding in other venues. There are, after all, other avenues (more Kingly methods) of dealing with these kinds of problems. But geez, I still have a beehive in my stomach.
Message of the Day: So yes, happy morning to you all. Ya know, a lot of people really struggle with the court cards because they are more attitudes and personalities than situation occurrences like the other cards in the Minor Arcana. But I feel like the Knight of Wands is pretty straightforward because, not only is he the Knight of Fire (Wands represent elemental fire), but the Knight position in the court cards is also linked to fire. (Pages = Earth; Knights = Fire; Queens = Water; Kings = Air). So the Knight of Wands is double fire, and that’s a whole lot of burnin’ going on.
Looking at the Knight of Wands from an internal perspective is interesting because it makes me look in the mirror at my own personality and my own attitude about different things. There are situations where I definitely have the Knight of Wands energy, full of vim and vigor or piss and vinegar (reversed), and the feeling like I can take on the world. Raw ambition, as I get older, doesn’t come around very often anymore (at least not like in my 20s), but there are still things I get excited about, and projects I am eager to tackle (with a slightly unhinged, maniacal laugh).
I think one of the interesting aspects of the Knight of Wands lies in his being prone to reckless behavior, being risk-averse, and probably being more apathetic about it than he comfortably should be. (He’ll deal with the aftermath later. Maybe.) The problem is when that his little fireworks display starts a fire and then spreads to destroy all of northern California. That’s a true messy Bessy.
I, personally, don’t see the Knight of Wands that frequently in my personality that much anymore. Our son, on the other hand, was pretty much born the Knight of Wands out of the gate: always excited, always ready to “level up” and be the next best thing, eager to take on the world, and never stops to think about the impact his actions and behaviors have on himself or those around him. I think a LOT of kids have this Knight of Wands energy, as annoying as it can sometimes be. As long as it is directed and taught restraint, I think it will be a huge benefit for him in life. At the same time, my passion for Tarot: totally Knight of Wands.
I also have to mention that the Knight of Wands is a sex card, perhaps specifically a sex-without-strings kind of card. It’s hot, fiery, passionate, and not particularly emotionally focused. If there was a card to represent Grindr or Tinder, something more “in the moment,” it would be the Knight of Wands. How does the Knight of Wands show up for you? Where do you find yourself getting excited and ready to charge in guns a-blazin’? Do you take precautions and think before you burn? Alternatively, how often do you let the Knight of Wands run rampant, uncontrolled? Does he hide his candle under a bushel, shine his light outwardly and openly, or does he burn the whole damn world down, unbothered by the collateral damage?
At the end of the day, the Knight of Wands is still royalty in training. He needs to be guided and taught restraint. Maybe he should cozy up to Temperance and make a night of it.
Decks shown above: