Saturday Spread: Be Kind. Unwind. (Weekly Edition)
The “Be Kind. Unwind.” spread is a Tarot card spread designed to help you prioritize self-care for the coming week. It aims to shine light on the areas of self-care to focus on and help identify any potential stressors or obstacles that may arise. The spread also offers suggestions for physical, emotional, and mental self-care, and summarizes with an outcome card that can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your self-care practices for the week.
The Spread Positions
This spread consists of seven cards, laid out in a loosely organized fashion, emphasizing the seventh card. Remember that as part of this self-care process, there you should be focused intention while preparing for the reading, and afterward, meditative thought that continues throughout the week on how the meanings of each card relate to your situation.
The meanings of each position are as follows:
- What to focus on for self-care this week
- What may be causing stress or anxiety
- What to do to alleviate stress or anxiety
- What to do for physical self-care
- What to do for emotional self-care
- What to do for mental self-care
- Outcome of focusing on self-care this week
Spread Enhancers
As with any spread, you can still draw a clarifying card (the next top card in the deck) for each position if you need further insight. Likewise, you can pull a shadow card (the bottom card of the deck) to help identify the underlying theme of the reading or an aspect of the situation or reading you may have not considered.